Employment Opportunities Looking to work for Pemberton Valley Supermarket? We are an equal opportunity employer focused on providing excellent work opportunities! Here are 2 options for applying for employment. OPTION 1 Download a PDF version of our Employment Application. Then deliver it to our store, email us a copy using our Contact Form, or fax us at (604) 894-1107. OPTION 2 Complete the Employment Application Form below! Pemberton Valley Supermarket Employment Application PERSONAL DATA Surname (required): First Name (required): Middle Initial: Main Phone Number (required): What type of phone is this for? (required)MobileLandline Other Phone Number: Your Email (required): Street Address: Unit Number: City : Province: Postal Code: Application Details Position Applied for: Date available for employment: → click below for a date picker Salary Expectations: Have you ever worked for Pemberton Valley Supermarket before? (required)YesNo How did you find out about this job?: Prefer? (required)Full TimePart Time Are you legally allowed to work in Canada?: (required)YesNo Education Highest Grade or Level Completed?: Diploma/Degree Obtained?: Other courses, workshops, seminars: Availability (24 Hour Clock e.g. 8 AM = "8" or 3 PM = "15") Mon:FromTo Tue:FromTo Wed:FromTo Thu:FromTo Fri:FromTo Sat:FromTo Sun:FromTo Employment Background Employment Position #1 Start Date: → click below for a date picker Finish Date: → click below for a date picker Company Name: Address: Name of Supervisor: Phone Number: Your Position: Salary: Reason for Leaving: Describe Duties: May we approach this employer for a reference?YesNo Employment Position #2 Start Date: → click below for a date picker Finish Date: → click below for a date picker Company Name: Address: Name of Supervisor: Phone Number: Your Position: Salary: Reason for Leaving: Describe Duties: May we approach this employer for a reference?YesNo Employment Position #3 Start: → click below for a date picker Finish: → click below for a date picker Company Name: Address: Name of Supervisor: Phone Number: Your Position: Salary: Reason for Leaving: Describe Duties: May we approach this employer for a reference?YesNo ACTIVITIES - civic, athletic, etc. Please exclude reference to any organization that could indicate race, religion, marital status, age, colour, gender, ancestry, political beliefs, sexual orientation, place of origin, physical disability, mental disability, or handicap.: GENERAL COMMENTS Feel free to add any other comments here: AUTHORIZATION As a condition of my application for employment, I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that the Pemberton Valley Supermarket Ltd. decision will be based on non-discriminatory consideration and that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for is just cause for the rejection of my application or dismissal.. Type Your Full Name Here to Signify Your Agreement (required): Date → click below for a date picker (required): Δ Questions or Comments? Feel free to call us at (604) 894-3663 or use our Contact Form.